In May of 2021, Ant Cranata was getting restless.

A lifetime guitarist and songwriter, Ant has honed his writing to produce music full of breakneck speed, aggressive distortion, and grinding vocals. Taking advantage of the pandemic to complete his custom-built attic studio, he had all the pieces in place to bring his latest ideas to life.

Except a band. So he built that, too.

Outski: Steve brings layers of dimension with his highly crafted guitar work, adding depth and fucking destroying the fretboard during his powerhouse lead sections.

CJ: Keeping the thrashing chaos tight and controlled, CJ pummels through the chord changes on bass with clock-like precision. Also providing backing vocals, CJ’s straightforward bass approach allows him the freedom to push his voice and performance to their breaking points.

Step-Steve: Completing the Booze Hound lineup, Steve’s focused and technical drumming is the backbone of the band’s energy, intensity, and consistency. Though most of the band’s tracks have a blazing tempo and demanding structure, Steve maintains the unflinching pulse the others depend on.